Ways To Get Skinny Fast
The key to losing weight is to use up more calories than the calories you take in, and if you’re like most people, this probably isn’t the easiest thing in the world for you. Although there’s no magic pill that guarantees quick and healthy weight loss, there are ways to get skinny fast which don’t require as much hard work as you’d expect. Simple changes in your eating habits and your daily routines can help you lose weight effectively as long as you stick to them.

For instance, studies have shown that eating a healthy breakfast regularly contributes to weight loss and keeping the weight off because it keeps your body nourished and jump starts your metabolism. Skipping breakfast could lead to badfood choices later on in the day, such as binge eating, oversized portions, and out of control snacking. Another way to lose weight is to cook your own meals.

By doing this you are able to control both the amount of food and what goes into it. Over the years the servings and the amount of sodium and calories in food served at restaurants have risen along with the number of overweight people in the population, and eating home-cooked meals is very beneficial to dieters. Another one of the tried and tested ways to get skinny fast is to use smaller plates. We have a tendency to eat whatever’s in front of us, regardless of whether we’re still hungry or not, and downsizing your plate size can help with portion control.

Smaller plates will make it seem like you have more food on them. Another tip is to avoid eating with a large group, because studies show that people in large groups tend to eat more than they would if they were eating alone or in a smaller group. This doesn’t mean you have to be a hermit, however. You can still eat with large groups as long as you pay attention to what you are eating and eat slowly.

A way to get skinny fast is to concentrate on how your food tastes and chewing slowly: this way you eat less and still feel full. Normally it takes a while for our brain to realize we’re already full, and taking your time while eating could prevent you from eating too much. Also, it’s important that you don’t linger at the dining table after you’re done eating to reduce the chances of getting the munchies.

You can also try in case you get a craving for something, to keep your mouth occupied. It has been proven that the color blue, unlike red, yellow, and orange, tend to suppress the appetite, so it would be a good idea to use blue cutlery.

There are several ways to get skinny fast, but they do require dedication and changes in your own habits. The abovementioned tips won’t make you lose weight overnight, but they’re guaranteed to help you effectively lose weight and, more importantly, keep the unwanted weight off for as long as you stick to the program.
11/30/2010 05:31:59 am


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    Sandra Cooper


    Hi, my name is Sandra Cooper and at 35 I have been struggling with my weight for most of my life.  Here is my Blog that I hope will help anybody looking for ways to lose weight to do so quickly, easily and most importantly healthily.


    November 2010


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